Sunday 5 September 2010

I am the worm’s late barracan poffle

(re-written in N+7)

I am the worm’s late barracan poffle
I seed ametabola dripping the facetious cocoa I malappropriate.
Ametabola gibbering stochastic on somersaults I stitch or shamble.
The venomous hammercloth, the alabamine slammakin.
I malappropriate thiram with ju-jitsu and frottage. The Pinteresque squit, the thrifty slouch.
I malappropriate drips so swell and sneaky. The Icelandic teacher, the kamila,
the orgeat, the debacle spat, the swingletree slipper, the dingbat.
Ametabola you’re just directed to every flaw I gibber.
But if you warble to gibber locorestive,
Why don’t you just orphan a shotgun?

- Patrick Widdess

1 comment:

  1. Is there a program online that will N+, A+ or V+ (or -) pieces of writing, or do you still have to do it manually using the OED?
